Miramar Argentina
There is a little kitchen in the place too, but the restaurants are so cheap that it is actually cheaper to eat out. I went to a parilla tonight which is a grill so they feature grilled meats and chicken. The Argentines love to eat carne de vaca (beef). This place had a big buffet with many many salads and veggies including grilled eggplants (berenjenas) and cooked beets, pizza, and spinach ravioli, many chinese dishes as well, and Argentine desserts plus a big grill station. It is an all you can eat concept and it costs 7 pesos without beverages ($2.25 US). With a mineral water and a tip it cost 10 pesos. I mean...why cook?
It turned cold today. I am wearing long pants for the first time since arriving in Argentina. I went swimming in the ocean yesterday but the water had a wee chill to it and today it was just too cold out to want to swim. I did go for a nice walk along the water in the sand. Very nice.
I go to Puerto Madryn on the overnight bus tomorrow so hopefully it will be warm enough in the day to get in one more swim before I leave. I think that as I head further south it will be too cold to go in the water. There is only one bus to Puerto Madryn which is 1400 km south. It leaves at 11 at night on the first of March and arrives on March 2 at 9 at night. So I will have my 49th birthday on a bus. Whooo Whooo Whooo. Partyin´ on!!!Rather appropriate considering my current lifestyle.
Last year I celebrated on an island called Nanu Leilei in Fiji. Where they filmed the movied called "the Blue Lagoon".
Puerto Madryn is a much more famous destination spot for travelers from all over the world. Quite well known to bird watchers and to whale watchers and dolphin watchers and etc. There is also a huge national park catering to eco-tourism. Should be lovely. I will stay for one night and one day and then I catch a flight to Ushuia (the end of the earth) and meet the lovely and talented Kimberle for two weeks of traveling together. I finally found a woman I am willing to go to the end of the earth for!! Next update is from Ushuia. From there we plan to hug the coast line and work our way back up north to Puero Madryn before cutting west to Nequen in the lake country. and then to Buenos Aires from where Kim will fly home to California.
I hope you all are having as much fun reading about my travels as I am having doing them! I will write4 again soon.
Love and happiness until we meet again,
Rambling Robert the traveling Man